An Ardent Data Analyst and Computer Science Post Graduate to set and prove my Skills. Accomplish the challenging roles as well as achieve personal and professional goals.Currently working as Marketing Data Analyst.
- Languages: Python, SQL, HTML/CSS, Linux
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
- Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit Learn
- Visualization: Power BI, Google Studio, Tableau
- Statistics: Probability Distributions, Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis Testing
- Excel: Charts, Pivot Tables, V Lookup, H Lookup, Index-Match, Data Analysis
- Tools & Technologies: Git, GCP
- Machine Learning:
- Supervised:Linear Models, Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting
- Unsupervised:Dimensionality Reduction (PCA), Clustering (k-Means, Agglomerative)
Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Data analyst, interesting experiences and personal growth.
- Market basket analysis to find the customer preference. Insight is the most demanded product, Perishable items, use marketing for the less preferred product.
- HR analytics to find joing age, skills for the department, Employee Retention Rate, new hiring is required, and Package for the department.
- Customer satisfaction predict the probability that each customer in the test set is an unsatisfied customer. 74 thousand rows used PCA for reduction . Used KNN, LR, XgB score is 70%
- Tools: Python,Power BI ,ML
- Bio-Tech Product lunch in the best marketplace with suitable conditions. Cardiovascular diseases prediction and made UI using tinker library.
- Handle Power BI dashboard added customized charts, DAX, and measures. Used Power bi helper for creating documentation
- Learn ML Algorithms
- Designed Master-menu best on historical customer orders for Client.
- Tools: Python, apriory algorithm,ML, Power BI
A LSTM model that generates a short summary of the given input of Crecket blog.
- Incorporated CNN to detect and classify objects in the video frames and Long Short Term Memory for generating a summary.
- Evaluated the model on MSVD (Microsoft Video Description Corpus) dataset; achieved 0.77, 0.71, 0.52 scores respectively on ROGUE, BLEU, METEOR evaluation metrics.
An image generator based on the concept of adversarial networks (GANs)
- Developed system was tested on a human-face database and loss was calculated by comparing the PCAs of generated and original image.
- Calculated difference in PCA was less than 10%, depicting the successful generation of an image by the generator.
HR analytics leaders enable HR leaders to develop data-driven insights to inform talent decisions, improve workforce processes and promote positive employee experience.
Languages and Databases
Degree:Post-Graduation Program
(Data Science and
- Python
- Power BI
- Deep Learning
Relevant Courseworks:
Goa ,India
Degree: Master of Computer Applications
CGPA: 6.3
- Machine Learning
- Linear Algebra
- Opretional Reserch
- French
- Entrepreneurship
Relevant Courseworks:
Goa, India
Degree: Bachelor of Computer Applications
CGPA: 7.3
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Database Management Systems
- Operating Systems
- Web Development
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